What is it? – The Major Project

As the above diagram illustrates, the Major (Final) Paper Assignment is culmination of all the previous assignments throughout the semester. In other words, the Major (Final) Paper is made up of components of each of the assignments within the course. You will complete each component and then carry it into the Major (Final) Paper, incorporating the feedback and reflective learning they have received throughout the course.

Why do we do it? – Purpose of Major Project

The overall purpose of this assignment is for you to acquire research skills by engaging in an in-depth investigation of a recreation-related topic. This research will result in the production of a research paper that will support a community recreation organization as well as advance the recreation field.

Major Paper Tasks & Guidelines

Ready to explore the first few tasks you will need to do?

1 – Decide on a Topic & Research Question (by the 2nd week of the course)

  • The topic must have a clear focus on recreation in Canada
  • There must be a perceived need for more and new information on this topic
  • The topic must be one that is reflected in recreation-related scholarly journals
  • Come up with a research question
    • See “The Research Question” for further details

2 – Find an Agency Advisor (by the 2nd week of the course)

 This person:

  • is currently employed in a full-time capacity in the field of recreation (or “allied field”)
  • works for a recreation organization, or for an organization which has a consistent, formal recreation-related function (or is interested in such)
  • has the authority to make a commitment to this project on behalf of the organization they work for is authorized to communicate with the student and the Instructor using an official work email address and letterhead
  • is not currently enrolled in Rec 4400 or Rec 4300
  • has the authority to help the student gain access to certain agency documents, personnel, and program sites
  • agrees to advise the student as the project progresses
  • agrees to read the Final Paper and judge whether the information is useful to the field
  • see the document titled “Concept of Applied” for further details regarding criteria for the Agency Advisor)

3 – Get Approval from Course Instructor (by the 3rd week of the course)

  • The student must get approval of their research question from their Instructor before proceeding with the research past Week #3
  • No major paper will be accepted if it does not have this approval

4 – Engage in Research

  • The major paper will involve two kinds of research – primary and secondary research
  • The primary research includes interviews, observations, and content analysis of field-based documents.  
  • The secondary research will involve literature from scholarly journals and from publications from the field the experiential learning process.

Take a look at the guidelines for the major paper

Want to get a head start?