The paper will be between 20 to 25 pages in length (not including title page, table of contents, or Appendixes). If the Paper includes pictures, then it will be on the longer end of the page-count (i.e. closer to 25 pages). It will be typed in 11 or 12 font, and will use 1.5 spacing.
The length of the paper can be up to 10% shorter or longer than the 20 – 25 page guideline if it is in the best interest of the paper. Any greater variation needs to be negotiated with me (or your other instructor) at least 1 week prior to the due date.
The paper will include the following sections (with these exact sub-headings):
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Background
- Context Literature
- Review Methodology
- Research Findings
- Recommendations
- Conclusion
- References (Works Cited)
- Appendixes (if needed)
Additional information about the sections of the paper will be provided as the course progresses.
A final version of the Major Paper will be given to the Agency Advisor to review. In order for the paper to be eligible to receive a passing grade, the Agency Advisor will have to send an email to the course Instructor stating that they judge the research to be useful to the field.
This email must be received by the course Instructor by the dates listed in the course outline. Students are required to meet (preferably in person) with their Agency Advisor to discuss the recommendations contained in the paper.
The paper will also be uploaded to Langara’s Institutional Repository, where other researchers will be able to access to and build from the work that you do.